2068, Frontiers in leadership research, VT 13
Number of participants:  10
Number of answers:  8

1. The level of the course correlates with the description of the course
(1 = strongly disagree; 6 = strongly agree).
Answers to this question: 8 
chart 100%
chart 200%
chart 300%
chart 4112.5%
chart 5562.5%
chart 6225%


2. The intended learning outcomes (ILOs) of the course were adequately explained
(1 = strongly disagree; 6 = strongly agree).
Answers to this question: 8 
chart 1112.5%
chart 200%
chart 300%
chart 4112.5%
chart 5675%
chart 600%


3. There was a clear connection between the content, the intended learning outcomes as well as the examination of the course
(1 = strongly disagree; 6 = strongly agree).
Answers to this question: 8 
chart 1112.5%
chart 200%
chart 300%
chart 4337.5%
chart 5225%
chart 6225%


4. The course design facilitated achievement of the intended learning outcomes
(1 = strongly disagree; 6 = strongly agree).
Answers to this question: 8 
chart 1112.5%
chart 200%
chart 300%
chart 4112.5%
chart 5562.5%
chart 6112.5%


5. The examination was focused on understanding and/or application of knowledge
(1 = strongly disagree; 6 = strongly agree).
Answers to this question: 8 
chart 100%
chart 200%
chart 300%
chart 400%
chart 5225%
chart 6675%


6. I achieved the intended learning outcomes
(1 = strongly disagree; 6 = strongly agree).
Answers to this question: 8 
chart 100%
chart 200%
chart 3112.5%
chart 400%
chart 5562.5%
chart 6225%


7. The teachers facilitated the achievement of the intended learning outcomes in an adequate way
(1 = strongly disagree; 6 = strongly agree).
Answers to this question: 8 
chart 1112.5%
chart 200%
chart 300%
chart 4337.5%
chart 5225%
chart 6225%


8. How challenging was the course for you? For me the level of the course was:
(1=too low; 7=too high)
Answers to this question: 8 
chart 100%
chart 200%
chart 300%
chart 4675%
chart 5225%
chart 600%
chart 700%


9. I have received relevant feedback during the course
(1 = strongly disagree; 6= strongly agree).
Answers to this question: 8 
chart 100%
chart 200%
chart 300%
chart 4450%
chart 5225%
chart 6225%


10. This course has fulfilled my expectations of what ought to be a doctoral education course of high quality
(1 = strongly disagree; 6 = strongly agree).
Answers to this question: 8 
chart 100%
chart 200%
chart 3112.5%
chart 4112.5%
chart 5337.5%
chart 6337.5%


11. I was highly motivated in taking this course
(1= strongly disagree; 6= strongly agree)
Answers to this question: 8 
chart 100%
chart 200%
chart 300%
chart 400%
chart 5112.5%
chart 6787.5%


12. I had sufficient prior knowledge to be able to fully participate in the course
(1= strongly disagree; 6= strongly agree)
Answers to this question: 8 
chart 1112.5%
chart 200%
chart 3112.5%
chart 400%
chart 5337.5%
chart 6337.5%


13. I have contributed to and engaged in the course
(1=strongly disagree; 6= strongly agree)
Answers to this question: 8 
chart 100%
chart 200%
chart 300%
chart 4225%
chart 5337.5%
chart 6337.5%


14. The course has increased my knowledge of recent advances within my field, in related areas or in general science subjects
(1= strongly disagree; 6= strongly agree)
Answers to this question: 8 
chart 100%
chart 200%
chart 300%
chart 4337.5%
chart 5337.5%
chart 6225%


15. The course has increased my understanding of relevant research methodologies and techniques and their appropriate application within my research field
(1=strongly disagree; 6=strongly agree)
Answers to this question: 8 
chart 100%
chart 2225%
chart 3112.5%
chart 4450%
chart 500%
chart 6112.5%


16. The course has increased my ability to critically analyse and evaluate research findings
(1= strongly disagree; 6= strongly agree).
Answers to this question: 8 
chart 100%
chart 2225%
chart 300%
chart 4450%
chart 5225%
chart 600%


17. Are there any parts of the course that have been excellent? Please describe in what way.
Answers to this question: 7 
It was a good course overall.
Access to lecturers
Formatet, med mycket diskussioner har varit jättebra, mycket utrymme för att bilda nya kopplingar i sin förståelse. Det har också varit lagom långa dagar, man orkar vara tillräckligt koncentrerad hela tiden.
Historiskt perspektiv på ledarskapsforskning. Läsande av andras papper. Feedback på eget papper.
The teachers.
The examination task The Contact with the leaders of the course (the faculty)
The teachers were good and willing to help.

18. Are there any parts of the course that did not help you to achieve the intended learning outcomes? Please describe why not?
Answers to this question: 4 
You never mention the ILOs, the evaluation is obsessed with them, this is in itself strange.
The seminars with different speakers were not very aligned and separate from each others.
I would have liked more focus on methodology, and more critical thinking.

19. Did the course cover the areas that you expected? If not what was missing?
Answers to this question: 4 
incremental review of a planned and executed reserach study within the field. How you do the handicraft.
Maybe more about methodology
Did miss something about research methodology special for this area.

20. Do you have any recommendations as to how the course could be further improved?
Answers to this question: 4 
Se questions 18 and 19
Perhaps consider adding one lecture about methodology and have a seminar about critically analyzing methods in leadership research.

21. I would recommend this course to others enrolled in doctoral education
Answers to this question: 8 
chart(3)Not applicable00%


22. In what capacity did you attend this course?
Answers to this question: 7 
chart(1)Doctoral student at KI or KI partner university450%
chart(2)Doctoral student at another university in Sweden337.5%
chart(3)Doctoral student at another university outside Sweden00%
chart(4)Postdoc at KI00%
chart(5)No answers112.5%
