REGISTRATION COURSE 2996 (HT24). "Anaesthesia, analgesia and surgery in mice and rats" (1.5 cr.). Date: October 22-24 and 29 or 30 and 31, 2024
This laboratory animal science course will provide you with knowledge and basic skills on anaesthesia, analgesia, surgery and peri-operative care of animals used in science. Focus will be given to rodents, but other species will also be covered. The main instructor is internationally recognized Emeritus Prof. Paul Flecknell. Introduction to anesthesia, analgesia and surgery. Peri-operative care. Long-term anaesthesia, use of ventilators and neuromuscular blocking agents, pain assessment & alleviation. [EU modules 20-22]

= Mandatory question
Full name:
First name,last name.

Personal ID number:
Date of birth (YYMMDD)

Please ensure your email is typed correctly.

Your affiliation:
Please indicate your affiliation:
Karolinska Institutet/Karolinska Hospital.  Other (Sweden).
Other (abroad).

If "Other", name of your affiliation:

My registration:
Are you joining the full course (including hands-on exercises), or theoretical content only?
Full course including hands-on exercises.  Theoretical contents only.

Your invoice address:
This course is free of charge for doctoral students and postdocs registered at the Karolinska Institute. Other participants are subject to a fee.

ZZ number:
For KI staff only.

Project number:
For KI staff only.

Your current role:
Use of animals for scientific purposes.
PI (prof., assoc./assit. prof., senior researcher).  Postdoc.
Doctoral student.  Other scientific staff (guest researcher, lab manager, study director, etc.).
Undergraduate student (bachelor, master,...).  Animal facility staff (animal care, technologist, veterinarian, etc.).


**For KI doctoral students only**
Date of registration as KI doctoral student.

I understand that a prerequisite for admission to this course is: Completed the “Function A” laboratory animal science course (“to carry out scientific procedures on animals”), or must have completed an equivalent course

I have formally received education and training in laboratory animal science:
Carry out procedures on animals (Function A or equivalent e.g. FELASA B).  Design projects/procedures involving animals (Function B or equivalent e.g. FELASA C).
Take care of animals (Function C or equivalent e.g. FELASA A).  Kill animals (Function D).
No formal education and training in laboratory animal science yet.


I understand that late cancellations (within 30 days before the course starts) will lead to a cancellation fee of 3 000 SEK.

I understand that no-shows (once the course has started) will lead to a no-show fee equivalent to the full course fee.

I understand that although the course is free of charge for KI doctoral students and postdocs, they are still subjected to both "late cancellation" and "no-show" fee policies.

I understand that the course fee for the rest of KI participants is 7 900 SEK (including INDI)

I understand that the course fee for external participants is 9 900 SEK (excluding VAT).

I understand that the minimum number of participants needed to arrange the course is 8.

GDPR note.
The survey data will be used for registration to this course. Your personal data is handled in accordance with regulations regarding public authority archives. The information which is collected in this survey will be strictly confidential and accessible only by the Unit's staff members.

I understand that priority to this course is given to KI doctoral students and postdocs.