COURSE REGISTRATION 3214 (HT24) "Function B - design of scientific projects & procedures using animals" (3 cr.). Oct 28 Nov 20, 2024
28.10. – 08.11.2024 / Introduction and online learning 11.11. – 20.11.2024 / Lectures, Group Work and Examination

= Mandatory question
Full name:
First name, last name.

Personal ID number:
Dater of birth (YYMMDD)

To benefit from internal course fee, please provide your email

Your affiliation:
Please indicate your affiliation:
Karolinska Institutet/Karolinska Hospital.  Other (Sweden).
Other (abroad).

If "Other", name of your affiliation:

Your invoice address:
This course is free of charge for doctoral students and postdocs registered at the Karolinska Institute. Other participants are subject to a fee.

ZZ number:
For KI staff only.

Project number:
For KI staff only.

Your current role:
Regarding the use of research animals.
PI (prof., assoc./assit. prof., senior researcher).  Postdoc.
Doctoral student.  Undergraduate student (bachelor, master).
Animal facility staff (animal care, technologist, veterinarian, etc.). Other


**For KI doctoral students only**
Date of registration as KI doctoral student.

I have Bachelor or Candidate degree of at least 180 credits in biomedicine, biotechnology, cell and molecular biology, medicine or equivalent training or expertise.
Individuals responsible for designing procedures and projects under Function B should normally hold an academic degree or equivalent in an appropriate scientific discipline.

I have formally received education and training in laboratory animal science to:
Carry out procedures on animals (Function A or equivalent e.g. FELASA B).  Design projects/procedures involving animals (Function B or equivalent e.g. FELASA C).
Take care of animals (Function C or equivalent e.g. FELASA A).  Kill animals (Function D).
No formal education and training in laboratory animal science yet.


I understand that a prerequisite for admission to this course is education and training for Function A ("to carry out procedures on animals") or equivalent education:

I understand that the course fee is 8 900 SEK (including INDI) OR 11 500 (excluding VAT), where appropriate.

I understand that no-shows or late cancellations (within 2 weeks before the course starts) does not entitle to any refund.

I understand that the minimum number of participants for the course to be organized is 8.